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1.1 This code of standards and ethics has been compiled by the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia inc. and relates to the standards of practice of shiatsu therapists who are registered members of the Association.
1.2 This code of standards and ethics describes the professional standard of conduct of shiatsu therapy in order to preserve and enhance the reputation of shiatsu therapists, the Association, the practice of shiatsu and to protect the general public.
1.3 The right to amend this code of standards and ethics as and when necessary is reserved by the national council of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia.
2.1 The shiatsu therapist shall always maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and duty of care to the client.
2.2 When a member of the public asks for treatment, the shiatsu therapist shall ensure that the client understands the nature of the treatment that will be given and that this treatment should occur only with his/her consent. Ethical conduct requires that the client must be free to reject any therapeutic procedure.
2.3 Shiatsu shall not be offered as an alternative to Western medicine but as complementary.
2.4 The shiatsu therapist shall not countermand instructions or prescriptions given by a doctor. Furthermore, the shiatsu therapist shall not advise the client to undergo a particular course of medical or surgical treatment unless qualified to do so. It must be left to the client to make their own decisions in the light of medical advice.
2.5 The shiatsu therapist shall recognise the limitations of his/her training and qualifications and shall refer clients to and co-operate with other health care professionals as appropriate.
2.6 If the shiatsu therapist believes that he/she had identified a disorder not covered by a doctor's diagnosis or of which the patient is unaware, the client shall be referred to the attention of their doctor.
3.1 The focus of the shiatsu therapists behaviour must at all times be on the clients healing process.
3.2 The shiatsu therapist must never claim to cure. The possible therapeutic benefits must be described as recovery, but this must never be guaranteed.
3.3 (a) The shiatsu therapist can practice only in shiatsu and/or traditional therapy discipline/s in which he/she is qualified through an accredited course.
(b) The shiatsu therapist can only use techniques and practices that are covered by their own professional indemnity insurance.
3.4 The shiatsu therapist must treat their clients with honesty, courtesy, respect, dignity, and discretion.
3.5 The shiatsu therapist must treat with discernment the specific needs of clients on the basis of race, religion, age, gender, sexuality, colour, ethnic origins and differing abilities
3.6 (a) It is the duty of the therapist to maintain professional boundaries and uphold a relationship of trust with clients at all times.
(b) If the shiatsu therapist becomes personally involved with a client, he/she must refer that client for shiatsu treatment elsewhere.
(c) Sexual behaviour towards a client or between a client and a practitioner is in breach of professional boundaries.
3.7 The shiatsu therapist should ensure that they are medically, physically and psychologically fit to practice.
3.8 The shiatsu therapist shall not treat in clinic whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances that would impair his/her judgment. It is considered inappropriate for a shiatsu therapist to smoke or consume tobacco products in clinic.
3.9 The shiatsu therapist shall at no time take part in or promote any activity verbal or otherwise which will reflect improperly or denigrate the standing of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia Inc. within the general community or in any professional circles.
3.10 The shiatsu therapist shall not knowingly breach the Commonwealth Therapeutic Act and regulations or the equivalent state legislation and shall be aware of notifiable diseases.
3.11 Members shall be aware of and abide by State and Local laws.
4.1 A shiatsu treatment should be given in a clean and comfortable environment.
4.2 The shiatsu therapist should comply with state and local heath regulations pertaining to the provision of toilet and wash facilities, provision of clean and fresh linen for each client.
5.1 The shiatsu therapist shall respect the confidentiality of the therapeutic relationship and shall not divulge any information about a client to anyone other than another therapist when transferring a client and this must be with the client’s consent. Exceptions to this are the use of case histories in teaching or the use of case histories for publication. In both cases the client’s anonymity must be preserved.
5.2 Patient records are to be kept confidential at all times and access restricted to the shiatsu therapist or assistant except:
(a) Where consent has been obtained from the patient or guardian, and then only to the extent of the agreed disclosure.
(b) In an emergency or other situation where the information may prevent possible injury to the patient or other person.
(c) Where required to do so by the law.
The public is entitled to expect that a shiatsu therapist will maintain a good standard of practice with full records. This includes:
(a) Name, address, telephone number and date of birth.
(b) Details of health history.
(c) Dates of treatment.
(d) Details of remedies prescribed.
Each State in Australia legislates the number of years health practitioners ought to keep health records. For example, in Victoria the legislation states that an individual’s health records (for an adult) cannot be deleted until a minimum of 7 years after the last occasion that you saw them.
7.1 The shiatsu therapist shall not advertise or lay claim to secret or exclusive methods of treatment.
7.2 In the advertising of a shiatsu therapists skills and services, due regards should be paid to the following;
(a) Shiatsu therapists shall not use titles or descriptions which give the impression of medical or other qualifications to which they are not entitled.
(b) The shiatsu therapist shall only advertise in a proper and professional manner for the purpose of informing members of the general public as to their location details and areas of specialised practice.
7.3 Membership does not of itself confer the right to use the association's name or initials in any manner other than the full membership description as part of a prose statement in, for example, a business card, e.g. “A. Practitioner is a Professional member of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia (STAA)”.
7.4 Use of the STAA logo may be used under permission from STAA.
7.5 The Shiatsu Therapist may not use Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia inc. member information to advertise or promote his/her interests/business or reproduce such information in any form without written permission of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia.
The shiatsu therapist is responsible for the issue of their own receipts and their personal receipt books are not to be shared with other practitioners.
A serious breach of any aspect of this code of standards and ethics will make the shiatsu therapist subject to action in accordance with the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia Policy and Guidelines point (11) disciplinary procedures.