"Our clients may find that making the next small choice towards life, or, if unwell, towards a better death, can cause difficulty if we have developed or inherited habits which get in the way of this decision making. The Wood element is associated with addiction, particularly to alcohol and drugs (over-thecounter or illegal), and to work, danger and more."
President’s message Paul Spence
A life-changing challenge ~ How our shiatsu centre
adapted to the pandemic Cliff Andrews
Working with death & loss in shiatsu practice Tamsin Grainger
Summer shiatsu mini-retreat Ann Hocking
The four seas: A voyage of discovery Chris McAlister
It’s not about you Michael Licenblat
What is Wei Qi? Warren Wilson
Scrubbed Russell Makoto
Shiatsu meridians in 3D ~ A young couple
makes it happen Sabrina Hoffman
Book review: Working with death & loss in
shiatsu practice by Tamsin Grainger Sandra Dexter
Book review: Touching the invisible by
Chris McAlister, Jan Nevelius & Jeremy Halpin Sandra Dexter